
Reviews and Compilations

Reviews and Compilations

Our assurance team focuses on delivering the right level of assurance when conducting compilations and reviews. We work closely with our clients to present financial statements that offer the appropriate level of credibility for creditors, vendors, lenders and other important business partners. The result is a financial statement review/compilation report issued in accordance with the Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Most importantly, the concerns and needs of your business partners will be satisfied, allowing you to move the business forward.


Our financial statement review service evaluates your company’s financial statements using inquiries, analytical procedures, and knowledge of your business practices and industry. While the scope of the engagement is less intrusive than an audit, the resulting report provides a limited level of assurance that no material modifications need to be made to the financial statement.


Our financial statement compilation service compiles financial data from your accounting records to present it in the form of financial statements. In a compilation, we do not express any opinion of the accuracy of the information in the statements. While a compilation is less intensive than a review, companies benefit from having their financial statements presented by an external CPA.