
Tax Controversy

Tax Controversy

We realize that taxpayers often delay in dealing with tax issues due to a lack of knowledge or distress about the results. In these cases, rapid action is essential. By delaying the response, a taxpayer can sacrifice rights and incur penalties and collection charges. We help businesses and individuals work through these issues in a timely and results-focused way.

MJM offers a full range of tax services, including helping clients develop and document defendable tax positions. Because our services don’t stop with our advice, if you find yourself subject to a tax audit, we can help you deal with the tax authorities. We take a hands-on approach, helping you challenge tax reassessments you consider unjust or improper and proactively helping you resolve disputes in a manner that’s efficient and fair.

  • IRS and PR Tax authorities’ audits and examinations
  • Ruling Requests
  • Penalty Abatements
  • Closing Agreements
  • Tax notices